Of­fi­cial site for the high/dark fan­tasy books of au­thors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, in­clud­ing the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead se­ries), the Mist-Torn Witches se­ries, the Vam­pire Mem­o­ries se­ries, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

Chat with the Noble Dead—TONIGHT!

We avoided post­ing no­tice of this until the last mo­ment, as we weren’t fully cer­tain if ei­ther of us could make it. With the hol­i­days upon us, and a novel dead­line loom­ing ever nearer, our sched­ule was just too un­cer­tain. But…

Over on Face­book, and mod­er­ated by Jenifer But­ler, the fan group known as The Noble Dead will be host­ing a Face­Book chat ses­sion for all fans of the Noble Dead Saga. The ses­sion be­gins at 9PM EST (6PM PST).

J.C. has con­firmed that he will be in at­ten­dance for the first hour plus. He will not be pro­vid­ing spoil­ers for the com­ing books or the saga’s fu­ture; he might be will­ing to talk a lit­tle about S3B1: Be­tween Their Worlds, with its of­fi­cial re­lease in hard­cover a lit­tle over two weeks away.

For those who have not fin­ished all cur­rent books, be aware that this is an open dis­cus­sion of all books to date; you may run into spoil­ers. If you’re in­ter­ested in an evening’s hang­out with other Noble Dead fans, drop by and see what’s up.