Noble Dead Raffle, Week 6: AND THE WINNER IS…
JESSICA TYNER wins the sixth and final copy of S2B3: Of Truth and Beasts!
Jessica’s information will shortly be on its way to the publisher once we re-verify the details with her.
The draft version for S3B2: The Dog in the Dark is off to our editor, so we’re waiting to see what comes before we begin the first revisions. S3B1: Between Their Worlds is now out in the wild, wild world, and so it’s time for us to drop into a deep coma-like slumber for at least a day. Dragons and fairies – or if your prefer badgers and otters – need a little hibernation now and then!
It’s been fun, folks, and likely we’ll do this again… maybe with a slightly different twist in the near future. We want to thank you all for your involvement and enthusiasm. And a special thanks goes out to Brady McReynolds, Berkley/NAL Publicity, Penguin Group (USA). Brady is the one who has been processing the book prizes and initiated all of this in the first place.
We’ll be back soon with our usual news through and