Noble Dead Raffle #3—AND THE WINNER IS…
John Santose wins the final raffle in this series for a signed, hardbound, first-edition of S3B3: A Wind in the Night… and right before this novel’s official week of release. Sorry folks, this ends the current raffle series, but congratulations to John!
The Future of Raffles…
The only hint we will give you is that we are calling the next one a “Reader’s Choice Raffle.” You will have to wait until late in February to learn anything more, but we promise that it will be…
- something you will like,
- at least three raffles in the series, and
- open to readers in the USA, Canada, and Mexico!
And as to other things news…
The Future of the Saga…
During January, Barb & J.C. will be finishing up and delivering the next to last volume in the Noble Dead saga… with the working title of S3B4: First and Last Sorcerer. That will likely be the final title as well but cannot be confirm for certain at this time. Even as this notice is being prepared, the pair are hard at work finalizing the draft version.
The Future of the “Tales”…
There have been a few queries about the future of T·N·D·S: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga. No, it has not been abandoned. Yes, as said before, there are no new “tales” released during months before and after the release of a new novel in the Noble Dead Saga. And yes, some of the linked stories in certain tales “sequences” will continue.
The blackout period for new T·N·D·S releases may be extended to include the month during which a new Mist-Torn Witches novel (by Barb) is released. After all, that autonomous series is also set in the world of the Noble Dead Saga. MW2: Witches in Red is coming your way in May 2014.
About the time of the next raffle should see the release of another new tale in T·N·D·S. Watch for notice through social satellite pages or subscribe to the main site’s RSS newsfeed.
And Other Things to Come…
Along the way and as time permits, you can also watch for more in the “Writer’s Corner” and “Reader’s Corner” articles out of And this brings us to the close of another raffle series, another year, and another new volume in the Noble Dead Saga about to hit the shelves!
Thank you all for joining us, and a Happy New Year to everyone from Barb, J.C., and the staff.