- High/Dark Fantasy Fiction by Barb Hendee and J.C. Hendee

Of­fi­cial site for the high/dark fan­tasy books of au­thors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, in­clud­ing the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead se­ries), the Mist-Torn Witches se­ries, the Vam­pire Mem­o­ries se­ries, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

SITE UPDATE: “Tales” Page

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Ad­di­tional de­tails have been added to our page for “Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga” about Home­ward, II: The Feral Path. This new work by Barb is set for re­lease some­time in the first week of June, 2012.

J.C. is al­ready work­ing on com­pil­ing this new e-story to be made avail­able through Ama­zon and Barnes & Noble. Stay tuned for more de­tails to come as we get closer to the ac­tual re­lease date.

Site Update: “Tales” Page

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Home­ward, II: The Feral Path , by Barb Hendee, has been added to the page and re­lease sched­ule for “Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.” The cover is avail­able for view­ing. All other other de­tails of this work are still pend­ing.

Q&A: About “Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga”


With the re­cent re­lease of the first sto­ries in “Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga,” in­evitable ques­tions came up. So far, “Tales” has been a fun but some­times con­fus­ing side ven­ture. We did ex­pect some puz­zle­ment from fans and read­ers as well, so it’s time to share those con­cerns on both sides…

AVAILABLE NOW: Karras the Kitten

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BE1Bones of the Earth, I:
Karras the Kitten

 J.C. Hendee
$3.00 USD

Short story, 26k+ words; Eng­lish Only; Also avail­able at all in­ter­na­tional Ama­zon out­lets.

Kar­ras, who hu­mans mis­tak­enly call “Car­row,” is not a typ­i­cal Rughìr’thai’âch, "Earth-Born," or dwarf. In fact, in serv­ing his fam­ily’s ship­ping and trad­ing busi­ness, he has taken on too many human ways in place of those of his peo­ple. No won­der that, in at­tempt­ing to “barter” for mar­riage with the fiery and dour Skirra"Sliver"of the fallen fam­ily of Yêarclág, he has bun­gled the deal for years. Dis­missed once more by her to salve his heart’s wounds, this time those wounds get salted with the un­wanted as­sis­tance of a blus­tery clan-kinFiáh’our, or the great "Ham­mer-Stag."

The old hon­ored war­rior has his own no­tion of what Kar­ras needs. To Fiáh’our, hon­or­able barter for love and mar­riage is akin to one bat­tle after an­other. And only the way of their peo­ple’s war­riors can see Kar­ras to vic­tory… over him­self, first of all.

May their peo­ple’s eter­nal an­ces­tors, the Bäynæ, watch over themes­pe­cially to keep them from each other’s throats.

Here’s hoping you find this entertaining during the wait until the release of the next book in the Noble Dead Saga, S3B2: The Dog in the Dark, next January 2013.

Noble Dead Raffle—AND THE WINNER IS… (And some Coming Attractions)…

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Charles Shumaker wins the signed hardbound first edition of S3B1: Between Their Worlds.

De­liv­ery in­struc­tions have been for­warded to the pub­lisher’s pub­lic­ity de­part­ment. Charles’ prize should be shipped by early Tues­day and ar­rive within ten busi­ness days. This con­cludes the last of the cur­rent se­ries of bi-weekly raf­fles for signed vol­umes from the Noble Dead Saga.

Don’t be sad, for we’ll have more on­line events like this in the fu­ture. For now, it is time for us to set­tle into a busy sum­mer sched­ule of plan­ning for S3B3 [un­ti­tled], wait­ing to see copy­ed­its for S3B2: The Dog in the Dark… oh, and an­other entry in “Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga”…


Yes, in­deed, watch for a no­tice later this week about the (early) re­lease of the first entry in the “Bones of the Earth” se­quence, Kar­ras the Kit­ten. Any­one up for a lit­tle dwar­ven ad­ven­ture? Also com­ing some­time in June (maybe ear­lier) will be the sec­ond entry in the “Home­ward” se­quence called The Feral Path. Of course, this means J.C. has to also find time to do the pub­lish­ing side. In the mean­time, for those who missed it, stop by the “Tales” page at No­ to check out Home­ward, I: The Game Piece, al­ready avail­able at Ama­zon and Barnes & Noble on­line.

That’s enough of a teaser for now. And most of all, thank you to every­one who joined in on the fun with the raf­fles.

Noble Dead Raffle—CLOSED

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The cur­rent raf­fle for a signed hard­bound first edi­tion of S3B1: Be­tween Their Worlds is now closed. The ran­dom win­ner has been se­lected, con­tacted for ver­i­fi­ca­tion of ship­ping in­for­ma­tion, and has 48 hours to re­spond.

Once ver­i­fied, the of­fi­cial win­ner will be an­nounced. This is the last in the cur­rent se­ries of raf­fles, but don’t be too sad; we’ll have other lit­tle on­line events like this in the fu­ture. And keep an eye out in the com­ing week for some­thing spe­cial of in­ter­est as well.

Noble Dead Raffle—REMINDER!

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There’s about 35 hours left in the final raf­fle in this se­ries for a signed, hard­bound, first edi­tion of S3B1: Be­tween Their Worlds. The dead­line for en­tries is this Fri­day, Mid­night, PST, so get yours in if you haven’t al­ready.

Please fol­low the in­struc­tions below so your entry is con­firmed on the first sub­mis­sion.

The raf­fle is open to only read­ers in the USA. Dead­line for re­ceipt of all en­tries is Fri­day, May 11th, Mid­night PST (via the time­stamp on the email you send for your entry). By the fol­low­ing Mon­day, one ran­dom win­ner will be no­ti­fied via email and (once con­firmed) will be an­nounced (by name only) through the No­ and its news­feed and ac­cepted so­cial sys­tems. The pub­lisher will be no­ti­fied as well, and the win­ner should re­ceive the prize within 10 busi­ness days.

Go to the Con­tact page and sub­mit the fol­low­ing in­for­ma­tion:

Name: [First and Last in full]
Email: [where win­ners will be no­ti­fied]
Street Ad­dress, City, State, Zip Code


  1. Use an account that you check at least once everyday.
  2. If you are screening for spam by rejecting HTML content, white-list the “” domain in your mail program and/or server to be certain you receive notification if you win a raffle. [We do not send email spam—ever!]
  3. Barb and J.C. have full control of all participant information; you will not be added to any form of mailing list. All entries are discarded/deleted once a raffle is complete.

Winner Selection Process

The fol­low­ing is the process for the raf­fle and award­ing of the prize.

  1. Each entry is checked upon arrival for complete contact and delivery information as required. This saves a step in the process for having to request and then verify the winner’s shipping information.
  2. Correct and complete entries are confirmed by email within 72 hours of being received. Incomplete entries are discarded and, if possible, the entrant is notified.
  3. After the raffle's closing date/time, all entries are checked for duplicates based on Name, Email, and Delivery Address. Clear duplicates are discarded. Indeterminate ones may receive an email query at our discretion.
  4. Verified entries are assigned a number by ordered of date/time received. The total number of entries is entered into a pure random number generator to select the winner. [See]
  5. The winner is notified and reconfirmation of entry delivery information is requested. The winner has 48 hours to respond. If no response is received, that entry is discarded and a new winner is selected according to Step 4.
  6. Upon confirmation of delivery information, the winner is announced via and its news distribution systems, including linked social systems.
  7. Delivery information is passed on to the publisher’s publicity department, and the winner will receive the indicated prize, usually within 10 business days.

Help needed for the Noble Dead Codex


…or how you can help rebuild the old Glossary.

codex_projectSince mov­ing to No­ (on the Google Blog­ger sys­tem), one of­fer­ing that has been missed from the old site is the Glos­sary. Not a dic­tio­nary, per se, but a list­ing and brief ex­pla­na­tion of peo­ple, places, terms, and things found in the Noble Dead Saga’s vol­umes. In other words, sort of a codex for where to find that first (or other) ref­er­ence and a gen­eral note ex­plain­ing the spec­i­fied term.

If you’ve read through the sec­ond se­ries, you have a no­tion of what a codex is. Per­haps even some en­tries from “Tales from the World of the Noble Dead Saga” and Barb’s com­ing “Mist Torn Witches” se­ries (also set in the Noble Dead world) might be added to this ac­ces­sory text as well. But there is a big prob­lem with restart­ing the Glos­sary.

Noble Dead Raffle—OOPS!

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As pointed out by sev­eral peo­ple, the re­cent open­ing an­nounce­ment for the cur­rent raf­fle had a typo in it. The dead­line for en­tries is Fri­day, May 11th, Mid­night PST… not April.

The orig­i­nal an­nounce­ment and in­struc­tions have been cor­rected, and hope­fully this didn’t throw too many peo­ple off track. Blame J.C. for that one, as he was the one to set it up after a long day at the key­board.

Noble Dead Raffle—NOW OPEN!

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Here we are again for the sixth and fi­nally time in this cur­rent se­ries of raf­fles. Time for just one more chance to have a book shipped straight to your door from the pub­lisher, this time for an­other signed hard­bound first edi­tion of S3B1: Be­tween Their Worlds

Please fol­low the in­struc­tions below so your entry is con­firmed on the first sub­mis­sion.