- High/Dark Fantasy Fiction by Barb Hendee and J.C. Hendee

Of­fi­cial site for the high/dark fan­tasy books of au­thors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, in­clud­ing the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead se­ries), the Mist-Torn Witches se­ries, the Vam­pire Mem­o­ries se­ries, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

The Novels of
Barb Hendee and/or J.C. Hendee

Se­lect from the sub­menu bar to view books by group­ing and then se­lect a book cover or other links that ap­pear. And don't for­get to look in “Tales” for our in­de­pen­dantly pub­lished works.

Links for Purchase

All such lead to the ebook edi­tion page on the book ven­dor's site. For those who pre­fer print books, you will find links to avail­able pa­per­back, trade pa­per­back and/or hard­back edi­tions on that page. If you have dif­fi­culty with any link herein, please re­port the spe­cific prob­lem through our “Con­tact” sec­tion.


Nearly all linked ven­dor pages have text pre­views avail­able from the ebook edi­tion. Se­lect­ing the ven­dor of your choice will pre­sent you pre­view op­tions re­gard­less of the ac­tual for­mat you then wish to pur­chase.