Of­fi­cial site for the high/dark fan­tasy books of au­thors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, in­clud­ing the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead se­ries), the Mist-Torn Witches se­ries, the Vam­pire Mem­o­ries se­ries, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

(Re)Finding the Path to Writing Short Fiction

#books, #ebook, #fantasybooks, #barbhendee, #jchendee, #fantasy, #highfantasy

HW1_Tales_Logo_128Barb here. I have never con­sid­ered my­self a short story writer.  Most of the ideas that hit me are “novel length.” I think JC is sim­i­lar. Also, most mag­a­zines that pub­lish short fic­tion con­sider a seven thou­sand word story to be quite long. I’m just gear­ing up at seven thou­sand, and JC is worse.

We sold Dham­pir in 2001, and it was pub­lished in Jan­u­ary of 2003, by which point we had fin­ished writ­ing Thief of Lives. To date, I’ve now sold nine­teen nov­els. I’m more com­fort­able work­ing at the novel length. 

How­ever, when we came up with the idea for the TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga, we found our­selves drawn to the idea of longer-than-short sto­ries. Since we were to e-self-pub­lish them, they could be any length we chose. I find that one of the more lib­er­at­ing as­pects of this ex­plo­sion in e-self-pub­lish­ing…

So…we talked about the TNDS (or the “Tales”) pro­ject for months be­fore we re­ally got started. There were so many de­ci­sions to make. At first JC even won­dered if he was a “good enough” dig­i­tal artist (he would say “graph­ics hacker”) to do the cov­ers. He has been spec­tac­u­lar. Then we won­dered, “Do we go through an ag­gre­ga­tor like Smash­words or do we try to han­dle every­thing our­selves?

We are in­de­pen­dent souls by na­ture, and we went with the lat­ter. JC set up ac­counts for us on Ama­zon, B&N, Kobo, and then fi­nally Apple (which we re­cently dropped). Then came the re­ally hard part: ask­ing our­selves what our fans might most like to read… and/or what might ap­peal to those who’ve never read any­thing by us.

BE1_128JC de­cided to start off with the (slightly dif­fer­ent) dwarves of our world. He wrote Kar­ras the Kit­ten fol­lowed later by the first se­quel Kar­ras the Cat.  Both works ended long enough to push the en­ve­lope for novel­las by cur­rent length stan­dards.

I de­cided to start with Loni, the lone elf liv­ing in Mi­iska (the home town of Magiere, Leesil, and Chap), and tell how he came to be there. At first, even at­tempt­ing short fic­tion (after so many years of writ­ing nov­els)  was very awk­ward for me. I cre­ated an out­line as I would for a novel, and the first draft was much longer than the final pub­lished ver­sion of The Game Piece.

The story was well re­ceived, and I began to won­der what to work on next. I thought pop­u­lar char­ac­ters from the past might be a good place to start, so I wrote some “fill in the blank” pieces about Rashed, Tee­sha, and Rat­boy. I en­joyed writ­ing those, and the short fic­tion medium was get­ting eas­ier for me, but these sto­ries made me feel like I was back work­ing in the past and not the pre­sent.

HW4_128When the idea for the The Keep­ers struck me, I knew I had some­thing.  I’ve al­ways loved writ­ing about the dark, drip­ping world of Droevinka, and one of the dark­est things JC and I have ever writ­ten is the se­quence in Sis­ter of the Dead when Magiere, Leesil, and Chap find those sac­ri­ficed bod­ies of the five races in the cel­lars of Chemestúk Keep.  I’ve never for­got­ten the fam­ily liv­ing there (Cadell, Nadja, and Jan) who helped our he­roes with this.

HW6_128After writ­ing The Keep­ers, I saw a way to ex­pand the world with some­thing “new” and still give our fans the same fla­vor of what they’d come to ex­pect from the Noble Dead Saga. I couldn’t wait to write the next story, The Re­luc­tant Guardian, and after that… Jan and Ju­lianna got in­side my head and started some­thing en­tirely new with Cap­tives.

JC and I are cre­at­ing these sto­ries in the cracks of time around var­i­ous dead­lines on our nov­els, but we’ve both found the pro­ject to be sur­pris­ingly fun and lib­er­at­ing. We’ve come to re­al­ize that we might be short story writ­ers after all… as long as we have no lim­its on length.