Reader’s Corner: Back-up Your eBooks! [Part 1 from J.C.]
Nearly all major e-book vendors have a so-called “cloud” service attached to purchase accounts. What many readers do not know is that this is not adequate protection against loss of your purchases. This technology (first conceived and born in the 1990s) is not all that we think it is. Nor does it always give you completely unaltered access to your e-books when and where you wish. Your e-books are not fully and safely yours… until you take control of them yourself.
FACT: Cloud accounts have legal loopholes; these holes have not been fully plugged by legislation at either the national or international levels. This applies to more than just e-books, and some of the plugs applied so far may not favor you, the reader.
Laws have not caught up with ownership rights for the present status of virtual / electronic property of all types. Your rights are not completely protected. Any claims to the contrary are false in generalization. And such are generalizations.
In addition, new “leasing” models for online web-based software “suites” are catching the eyes of a few e-book vendors. Some wish to toy with terminology, looking to imply that “purchasing” an e-book is permanently “leasing data” for a one-time fee. A “lease” is not outright ownership of your copy of an e-book. Further details on these matters is a topic for another time.
Whether you have a few e-books or a big e-library, it is time to archive them locally. Yes you can, even ones that are DRM protected [encrypted]. First and foremost, you do not have a true backup of your purchases if they are not under your exclusive control. Just like with (expensive) software purchased by download or installed directly through an “app” store, that is a misconception, so time to correct it…
Now Available (Finally)… For Kobo and Nook…
SC1: Puppy Love has finished its commitment in KDP Select. While we evaluate the impact (if any) in testing that exclusive program, we want to get it out there for those on other ereader platforms who may have been waiting for it. You can find it in T·N·D·S: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga at or simply use one of the links provided above. This will likely be our one T·N·D·S release for this month. We are quite backed up on work for the 2015 volume of the Noble Dead Saga, and that must proceed. If you drop by for a direct look at Puppy Love, be sure to peek at past “tales” you may have missed. More news and/or special features forthcoming before the end of the month, so stay tuned. HW1: The Game Piece (by Barb) is now available at in EPUB (only) format. So go get it if you do not have it yet. We tried once in the past and quickly abandoned it for a list of reasons. In our effort to expand “tales” distribution into other markets, we will try it again.
Barb & J.C.Hendee
Now Available… on Smashwords…
This is an experiment, so we are starting off with our oldest title in T·N·D·S: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.
Our primary purpose for testing it this time is two-fold: to make our ebook-only works available for the Sony eReaderStore and as an alternative distribution system for future “tales” into iTunes / iBookStore (without Apple’s proprietary nonsense in direct distribution)…
The Writer’s Corner: The Writing Cycle [from Barb]
Because the initial manuscripts for our books are due at the same time each year, JC and I have fallen into a cycle regarding which stage of which project we work on in each season. Cycles are a part of life for authors working under contract. Until last month, I never realized how comfortable I was with this, or how much I had come to depend upon it…
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