- High/Dark Fantasy Fiction by Barb Hendee and J.C. Hendee

Of­fi­cial site for the high/dark fan­tasy books of au­thors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, in­clud­ing the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead se­ries), the Mist-Torn Witches se­ries, the Vam­pire Mem­o­ries se­ries, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

Q&A: Resources: Office Software

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When an ar­ti­cle pub­lished over at NDAS might be of in­ter­est to some who fol­low No­, we will echo it here. In this case, a ques­tion and its an­swer will be of in­ter­est to not only would-be and pro­fes­sional au­thors but also stu­dents… or any­one who wishes to try a full and po­tent but free of­fice suite…

BOOK NEWS: Coming Soon…

#fantasybooks, #books, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B4_usa_256The next to last vol­ume in the Noble Dead Saga is pop­ping up on­line for pre­order. S3B4: First and Last Sor­cerer is now listed at No­ as well. [See “Books >> Se­ries/Phase 3 >> First and Last Sor­cerer.”]

3/4ths of our stan­dard ven­dors are al­ready linked. We will mon­i­tor oth­ers over time and up­date as quickly as pos­si­ble. Avail­abil­ity of ex­cepts varies; if you do not find such at your ven­dor, check the ebook ver­sion at other ven­dors to hunt down a sneak peek.

And the clock is now tick­ing to­ward the Jan­u­ary 2015 re­lease!

SIDE NOTE: J.C. is a pretty tough critic, but he con­sid­ers this cover (by Steve Stone) to be one of the best ren­di­tions so far of the saga’s orig­i­nal core trio.

Event News: Raffle and Signing

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#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries

Readers_ChoiceWe promised to open up the first Reader’s Choice Raf­fle by the 7th of this month; prob­lems with in­ter­na­tional ship­ping of prizes for the last raf­fle caused us to pause amid a rather busy sched­ule.

The first RCR has been resched­uled for the first week of Au­gust. Right now, the Hen­dees are quite busy in out­lin­ing and draft­ing the final vol­ume of the saga, S3B5: The Night Voice (1/2016). They have also re­cently fi­nal­ized proof­ing of S3B4: First and Last Sor­cerer (1/2015)…

N.D. Author Services Opens for Business

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#books, #ebooks, #authors

Logo_400Though an­nounced today through some of this site’s so­cial net­works, we now fol­low up with some­thing more of­fi­cial. N.D. Au­thor Ser­vices (a.k.a. NDAS) is open for busi­ness after a few dif­fer­ent peo­ple / groups prod­ded J.C. (and Barb) to offer up their di­verse skills to other au­thors. 

NDAS is just start­ing out. For now it of­fers a slowly grow­ing gallery of pre­made ebook cov­ers (some of which could be adapted to print). Cus­tom cover and EPUB ser­vices will fol­low along with more for would-be and es­tab­lished au­thors. If you have ques­tions or a need for some­thing not yet listed at that site, feel free to send a query through the NDAS Con­tact sec­tion.

You can learn more by vis­it­ing the site than can be cov­ered herein. But as said, be pa­tient, for NDAS is an in-de­vel­op­ment op­er­a­tion.




Hi Gang. I was kind of ex­cited when yes­ter­day’s post gen­er­ated some com­ments and dis­cus­sion. JC and I al­ways enjoy chat­ting with our read­ers. Please do feel free to post and make com­ments or ask ques­tions.

Writer’s Corner: To Recap or Not to Recap?

#writerscorner, #writersadvice, #fantasybooks, #barbhendee

S3B3_usa_512That is the ques­tion.

I’ve heard that writ­ers should never, ever look at Ama­zon reader re­views of their nov­els. This is prob­a­bly good ad­vice. Still, every once in a while, I can’t help my­self.

In my last post, I talked about polar op­po­site re­ac­tions to our fe­male char­ac­ters. Today, I’m think­ing about the as­pect of “re-cap­ping” in a long run­ning se­ries. This, too, draws some polar op­po­site re­ac­tions…