Official site for the high/dark fantasy books of authors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, including the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead series), the Mist-Torn Witches series, the Vampire Memories series, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

BOOK NEWS: Coming Soon…

#fantasybooks, #books, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B4_usa_256The next to last volume in the Noble Dead Saga is popping up online for preorder. S3B4: First and Last Sorcerer is now listed at as well. [See “Books >> Series/Phase 3 >> First and Last Sorcerer.”]

3/4ths of our standard vendors are already linked. We will monitor others over time and update as quickly as possible. Availability of excepts varies; if you do not find such at your vendor, check the ebook version at other vendors to hunt down a sneak peek.

And the clock is now ticking toward the January 2015 release!

SIDE NOTE: J.C. is a pretty tough critic, but he considers this cover (by Steve Stone) to be one of the best renditions so far of the saga’s original core trio.